Sunday 24 August 2014

Blogust #24: Sunday = Roast Dinner Day

Heyya guys! Guess what day it is? Wednesday? Correct. I'm joking! It's Sunday! You probably all know that actually but hayho.
If you are British, you will know that Sunday is classed as roast dinner day where you, clearly, have a good old roast dinner with all the trimmings. The best thing about being British I think. I love a good roast. 

We also had some of my family down from Oxfordshire. We haven't properly send them for a long time so catch-up was well over due even if they aren't anything like us.
I starting to dawn on me that college is getting closer and closer and I have so much to do before. I'm getting a bit stressed. I have nothing to wear. I feel behind on my college work. I feel like I know nothing about what I need or anything. I'm a bit lost and it's approaching so quick.
I also need to sort out my boat before the start of training which is the week after the start of term. It takes up a lot of time so I'm a bit worried about that too.
Everything seems to be catching up on me which isn't the best for my mood. I guess that's just the way things go sometimes.
Anyway, I'm rambling so goodnight one and all and speak tomorrow.
See ya on the flip side,
Holly x

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