Saturday 30 August 2014

Blogust #30: Working hard and being prepared

Heyya guys! My second last blogust post is here (crying). I don't think I'm quite ready to saying goodbye to this daily blogging thing but it was only meant to be short term and my life is wayyyyy too boring to do this all the time.

Anyway, today is been one of those uneventful days in which I spend start on a laptop, highlighting books and writing notes. College life is fast approaching and I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's going to be such a different environment to what I'm used even though I know it so well. It's going to be so weird.  
Today was also the first day in which I have properly used my new laptop and I love it. It's so quick. The sound is amazing. I just love it. (Plus it works which is kinda a good thing :P)
I've also been trying to get a bit organised. I have a lot of stuff to do before starting college on Thursday including tidying my room, sorting my washing, sorting out college stuff and completing work. I'm getting a bit stressed about it all. I already feel like I need a holiday but that's not going to happen. 
Anyway, I'll see you all tomorrow in my last ever blogust post!
See ya on the flip side,
Holly x

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